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Activity guide

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21 months+
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33 months+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
3 Years+
Hedgehog Box
Your Tribu Toys

Grasping Rings

From 8 Weeks

Let baby explore texture, sounds and weight with this natural material toy. It's perfect to exercise their grip and train adjusting their grasp.
Grasptexture perceptioncolor vision
How to use
  • This toy can be used anywhere, but it is best used in a quiet, peaceful space where Baby can concentrate and clearly hear the sounds.
  • Allow baby to explore this material on their movement mat.
  • You can offer this rattle to Baby while they sit in their baby chair or hammock.
  • Allow baby to use this material while looking in a mirror so they can also see their movements.
  • The best time to use this toy is when Baby can concentrate on only this toy - remove any mobiles or other sources of stimulation while it is working.
  • Silently hold the toy in front of Baby's face. Allow them to inspect the new object.
  • Very slowly show Baby how you can grasp the rattle in different ways. Baby needs time to process what you are doing.
  • Then, gently rest the rings against the outside of Baby's hand and wait for them to slowly open their hand and grasp the rattle.
  • Do not put the rings into Baby's hand, but let them achieve this in their own time.
  • Be very quiet when you give the rings to baby as their movements are so soft they might not hear the sound at first.
  • Remember to offer the rattle to both the right and left hand.

Contrast Book

This book is a treat for your child's developing eyesight. Newborns CAN see in color, but they can only discern high-contrast images, so these black and white images are perfect for attracting your child's attention.
Opticconcentrationbelly time
How to use
  • Baby can enjoy this book(a) while laying on their floor mat on their back, with the book propped up to the side,(b) while laying on their tummy with the book propped up to the side or (c) while reclining on your knees as you show them the pictures.
  • Enjoy this work during waking periods when Baby is rested and fed.
  • You can "read" this book to Baby as a part of your wake-up routine or your going to sleep routine.
  • At first, display just one page of the book for baby as this will be plenty of stimulation.
  • As baby's attention span and concentration power grows, you can display more than one image or look at multiple images in a row.
  • Allow baby to focus on the page as long as they are interested without moving it or interrupted.
  • When they look away from the page, they are ready for the next.

Contrast Cards

From 8 Weeks

Use these cards to beautify your child's space, to give them a point of interest near their changing table, or to enjoy during their movement time. These versatile and beautiful cards are stimulating for the eyes and your child's developing language when you speak about them to your baby.
Opticconcentrationbelly time
How to use
  • Baby can enjoy these cards(a) while laying on their tummy with one card propped up to the side or (b) while reclining on your knees as you show them the pictures
  • Use masking tape or wall tacky to display a card on the wall low to the ground or to the side of their changing table. Make sure the card is easily within Baby's view.
  • Enjoy this work during waking periods when Baby is rested and fed.
  • When you are changing Baby's diaper to give them a point of interest during frequent changes.

Newborn Rattle

From 6 Weeks

Baby's first rattle is small enough for your newborn to grasp, it'll train both the tactile and auditory senses. The sound of these rattles are pleasantly quiet. Baby will not only love to grasp them to make sound but also enjoy their textures and colors. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Our natural seed rattle is made from a real gourd and makes adds a lovely touch of nature to your child's play time.
Reflexive graspingsound stimulation
How to use
  • This toy can be used anywhere, but it is best used in a quiet, peaceful space where Baby can concentrate and clearly hear the sounds.
  • Allow baby to explore this material on their movement mat.
  • You can offer this rattle to Baby while they lay in their bouncer or hammock.
  • Allow baby to use this material while looking in a mirror so they can also see their movements.
  • The best time to use this toy is when Baby can concentrate on only this toy - remove any mobiles or other sources of stimulation while they are working.
  • Silently hold the rattle in front of Baby's face. Allow them to inspect the new object.
  • Then, gently rest the rattle against the outside of Baby's hand and wait for them to slowly open their hand and grasp it.
  • Do not put the rattle into Baby's hand, but let them achieve this in their own time.
  • Be very quiet when you give this rattle to baby as their movements are so soft they might not hear the sound at first.

Musical Box

From 2 Weeks

Our music box gently stimulates your Baby's visual and auditory senses and fosters a love of music.
Sound stimulationauditory memory
How to use
  • Use this toy in the play area while Baby is laying on their back or on their belly.
  • Place the music box within arms reach of Baby and allow them to observe.
  • Enjoy this work during Baby's free movement time.
  • If baby is upset or overly tired, the music box can bring a peaceful moment to both parent and Baby.
  • Eventually baby will turn their head to the sound of the music.
  • Although they are not yet able to reach out and touch the music box, it will provide the first glimmers of motivation for interacting with their environment.
  • When baby is interested in the music box they might move their arms or legs in response to the sound, or their movements may be quiet as they consider the new experience - allow them to react in their own way and observe without interrupting.
  • Watch for signs of baby's interest - if they are looking at the music box or reacting to it happily, continue to play the sound. If they look away or start to fuss, they might want a break.

Octahedron Mobile

From 6 Weeks

The second mobile in the Montessori visual-series. It introduces three-dimensional elements and primary colours. It also adds a new challenge to baby's developing eyesight.
Concentration3D visioncolor vision
How to use
  • Allow your baby to lie on their back on a firm, comfortable surface such as a quilt or play-mat.
  • Hang the mobile over baby's belly so they can look out at it comfortably. It should be about 30-35 cm from their eye level.
  • It's best to use this mobile in the play area.
  • Choose a room with natural light and open space.
  • It's best if baby's movements are unrestricted by clothes or blankets.
  • Enjoy this work during waking periods when Baby is rested and fed.
  • Allow baby to work with the mobile until completion without interruption.
  • If baby falls asleep under the mobile, leave them on their mat so they can wake up in the same place, reinforcing spatial memory.
  • Do not offer any other toys during this time.
  • The mobile moves gently with the air in the room, no need to blow on or move the mobile.
  • Baby will observe the mobile, it is not meant to be grasped.
  • Baby needs uninterrupted time to look at the mobiles. Sit behind baby so they can explore on their own.
  • The mobile provides plenty of stimulation for newborns, so allow them to concentrate on it in a quiet, peaceful space.
  • Baby may look away from the mobile if it is too stimulating or they need a break.

Seed Rattle

From 8 Weeks

All natural and unique. This toy comes from a real gourd so your newborn can enjoy touching its smooth surface and looking at its earthy color. The seeds inside produce a faint and relaxing sound. With this seed rattle, your baby will surely learn how their hand movement can create sounds.
Graspinghand dexteritysound stimulation
How to use
  • This toy can be used anywhere, but it is best used in a quiet, peaceful space where Baby can concentrate and clearly hear the sounds.
  • Allow baby to explore this material on their movement mat.
  • You can offer this rattle to Baby while they sit in their baby chair or hammock.
  • Allow baby to use this material while looking in a mirror so they can also see their movements.
  • The best time to use this toy is when Baby can concentrate on only this toy - remove any mobiles or other sources of stimulation while they are working.
  • Silently hold the rattle in front of Baby's face. Allow them to inspect the new object.
  • Very slowly show Baby how you can tip the rattle from side to side to cause a sound. Baby needs time to process what you are doing.
  • Then, gently rest the rattle against the outside of Baby's hand and wait for them to slowly open their hand and grasp it.
  • Do not put the rattle into Baby's hand, but let them achieve this in their own time.
  • Be very quiet when you give this rattle to baby as their movements are so soft they might not hear the sound at first.

Munari Mobile

The Munari mobile is the classic of classics. Its time tested black and white design with geometrical patterns and a transparent sphere helps baby develop their ability to explore the world, while awakening their inherent mathematical sense.
Visionpattern recognitioneye focus
How to use
  • Allow your baby to lie on their back on a firm, comfortable surface such as a quilt or play-mat.
  • Hang the mobile over baby's belly so they can look out at it comfortably. It should be about 30-35 cm from their eye level.
  • It's best to use this mobile in the play area.
  • Choose a room with natural light and open space.
  • It's best if baby's movements are unrestricted by clothes or blankets.
  • Enjoy this mobile when your baby is rested, alert and in a good mood.
  • At first their window of concentration may be only a few minutes long, but don't worry! It will gradually grow over the next weeks up to one hour under the mobile.
  • The mobile moves gently with the air in the room, no need to blow on or move the mobile.
  • Baby will observe the mobile, it is not meant to be grasped.
  • Baby's need uninterrupted time to look at the mobiles. Sit behind baby so they can explore on their own.
  • The mobile provides plenty of stimulation for newborns, so allow them to concentrate on it in a quiet, peaceful space.
  • Baby may look away from the mobile if it is too stimulating or they need a break.

Igel Activity Guide

Our guide is a curated resource filled with tips, ideas, and inspiration on how to make the most of the toys in your Tribu Box. Discover how they can support your child's brain development and enjoy educational activities together.